Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 (2017)

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 (2017)

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 (2017) Info

  • 👉 Movie Name: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
  • 👉 IMDb Rating: 7.6/10
  • 👉 Director: James Gunn
  • 👉 Stars: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Pom Klementieff, Sylvester Stallone, Kurt Russell, Elizabeth Debicki, Chris Sullivan, Sean Gunn, Tommy Flanagan, Laura Haddock, Aaron Schwartz, Hannah Harlow, Hilty Bowen, Ben Browder, Alex Klein
  • 👉 Genres: Sci Fi | Action | Adventure | Fantasy | Family | Comedy
  • 👉 Language: English; Multi Audio

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 2017 starcast

Star Cast Role
Chris Pratt Peter Quill StarLord
Zoe Saldana Gamora
Dave Bautista Drax
Vin Diesel Baby Groot
Bradley Cooper Rocket
Michael Rooker Yondu
Karen Gillan Nebula
Pom Klementieff Mantis
Sylvester Stallone Stakar Ogord
Kurt Russell Ego
Elizabeth Debicki Ayesha
Chris Sullivan Taserface
Sean Gunn Kraglin OnSet Rocket
Tommy Flanagan Tullk
Laura Haddock Meredith Quill
Aaron Schwartz Young Ego Facial Reference
Hannah Harlow Sovereign Chambermaid
Hilty Bowen Sovereign Pilot
Ben Browder Sovereign Admiral
Alex Klein Zylak


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 2017 storyplot

Missouri on Planet Earth in 1980 Meredith Quill (Laura Haddock) and Kurt Russell, her “spaceman”, are listening to tunes on the radio while riding in their car together, listening for tunes that come through on the car stereo system. After passing by a Dairy Queen they drive further back and head into woods where this man shows Meredith an alien seedling which will spread rapidly once planted and gives them kiss. 34 years have since past. Chris Pratt plays Peter Quill/Star-Lord from Guardians of the Galaxy while Zoe Saldana, Zoe Saldana, Drax (Dave Bautista), Bradley Cooper voices Rocket Raccoon and Vin Diesel voices Baby Groot are standing together atop an elevated platform as they attempt to secure Anulax Batteries from Sovereigns (Peter Quill’s former employers). The Guardians have their weapons ready, ready to do battle with an interdimensional beast known as Abilisk. Groot finds himself distractingly playing music through a speaker set up by Rocket while his fellow Guardians rush in to fight off Abilisk, much to Groot’s displeasure when Drax falls and hits it instead of falling onto him! Nevertheless, Drax manages to hit Groot before falling himself, much to Groot’s dismay and that of Rocket and co. Drax realizes they cannot harm the Abilisk from outside, so Drax devises an ingenious plan: by letting it swallow him. Star-Lord notices a cut on its neck and orders Rocket to turn its gaze skyward; Gamora slices downward, killing it off while freeing Drax from within it’s clutches and spilling him from its hole. The Guardians return with batteries to Sovereigns and meet with Ayesha (Elizabeth Debicki). In exchange for these, Gamora’s sister Nebula (Karen Gillan) is delivered directly to them, so that she may collect her bounty on Xandar with them. Before departing Ayesha disapproves of Peter, given that his half human/half alien heritage gives him something she considers recklessness – this causes Ayesha to speak directly down upon them all before taking some batteries himself before taking his leave of Xandar with Rocket taking some batteries himself. On their journey to Xandar, the Guardians find themselves unexpectedly confronted by an army of Sovereign drones hunting them down for having stolen batteries from Rocket. All four other Guardians believe he took them and are furious; so much so, that the drones start attacking as Rocket attempts to steer Milano towards an open wormhole that leads them off-planet; in the distance another craft passes and begins attacking Sovereign drones before dismantling them before stopping as another person appears standing aboard his vessel before wavering off with his ship before eventually saving themselves in time to crash-land on nearby planet Xandar before finally escape is safe until crash-landing on nearby planet Xandar itself! As they observe their ship being wrecked, Ego emerges from another vessel which saved them and begins talking with Mantis (Pom Klementieff). Together they reveal themselves as Peter’s biological father along with Mantis as Peter’s empathic assistant (both played by Pom Klementieff). On an unknown planet, Yondu Udonta (Michael Rooker) and his Ravager team of Ravagers have fallen on hard times, finding shelter at a hotel nearby (where Howard The Duck can also be seen). Here he meets up with Stakar Ogord (Sylvester Stallone), whom has exiled Yondu due to child trafficking allegations against him; Taserface (Chris Sullivan) suggests they need new leadership as Kraglin (Sean Gunn) also have questions regarding Yondu’s leadership ability as has Kraglin since come come and challenged his leadership as well. After speaking with Stakar and speaking to him for awhile Ayesha approaches Yondu with her proposal: they become enemies as she offers Yondu something on which both parties agree on. Peter is still overcome with emotion upon finally meeting his biological father Ego, as Ego explains he sent Yondu to pick him up after his mother passed. Peter cannot understand why Ego chose Meredith over Peter initially. Ego invites Peter, Gamora and Drax over to Ego’s planet where Mantis awaits them while Rocket and Groot remain behind to repair Milano and keep an eye out for Nebula. On Ego’s ship, Mantis displays her psychic abilities by being able to read their minds. Mantis then informs all present that Peter harbors romantic feelings for Gamora which Drax finds amusing.

Ravagers arrive at the site where Guardians crash-landed, only to fall prey to Rocket’s traps until Yondu arrives with his Yaka Arrow controlled by whistling, knocking most out and freeing Rocket, Groot, and Yondu from Taserface’s plans to retrieve Peter. Taserface attempts to capture Taserface but Yondu refuses. Nebula breaks off Yondu’s headcrest in order to incapacitate him before joining Ravagers as they capture Rocket, Groot, Yondu himself from Taserface as she alignes herself alongside them and takes Rocket, Groot, Yondu and himself prisoner for interrogation purposes. Ego takes everyone back to his planet which literally lives through him; being a Celestial, Ego is at the core of its existence. Ego explains to Peter and Meredith how he came up with human forms for travel through space; upon coming to Earth he fell deeply in love with Meredith but couldn’t visit as often due to it draining energy; Peter still harbors feelings against Ego for abandoning Meredith to die alone alone while Ego remains distant and hostile towards them both; Peter starts producing powerful energy which Ego shows him how he can control and use. Onboard the Ravager ship, Taserface and his goons begin expelling those still loyal to Yondu except Kraglin who watches with disbelief as his friends die. Taserface boasts of his greatness and “fearful” name while Rocket taunts him. Nebula enters and suggests turning in their captives back for bounties on their heads to the Kree; she makes other demands including getting rid of Kraglin so she can use their ship to go find Gamora herself. Kraglin brings her aboard another vessel she uses escape off their vessel before going and finding Gamora herself. Mantis and Drax quickly form an affectionate connection; although Drax continually reminds Mantis he finds her unattractive; nonetheless it was good that someone still loved him unconditionally despite this perception of beauty in Mantis’ eyes. Mantis intended on communicating something crucial with Drax but Gamora interrupted that momentously so instead took both into their respective rooms with no further exchange between the pair. The Ravagers throw Rocket and Yondu into an iron cage for interrogation while taking Groot as entertainment. Yondu recalls how Stakar pulled him away from Kree battle slavery to become one of them; Yondu also mentions how Kree battle slaves can easily convert themselves to Ravagers by following Stakar. Yondu informs Rocket that Peter had been kept as part of their team because his small stature allowed for easy movement through tight spots where others couldn’t. They decide to work together towards breaking free; Groot arrives, and Yondu instructs him to acquire an experimental fin for Groot’s head. Yondu uses his fin and dislodges himself and Rocket from their cell, sending his arrow through every Ravager they find who turns violent against Yondu; Rocket and Groot also get into some roughhousing themselves! Taserface manages to notify Ayesha of Yondu’s location before being struck with flames by Yondu himself and sending his ship down with it, leading the other four through 700 jumps before they reach Ego’s planet. Back on Ego’s planet, Peter attempts to win Gamora over with his dance moves but fails as she can’t quite express herself fully. After she departs, Gamora witnesses Nebula come crashing in on her ship shooting at Gamora before jumping out and beginning an assault against Gamora herself – only for Nebula not wanting anyone but Gamora herself as her sister; after Nebula manages to overpower Gamora she admits she just wanted a sister of equal status due to Gamora being successful causing her father Thanos’s dismemberment caused Nebula anger towards Gamora who eventually formed an unlikely alliance as they came upon an abandoned cavern filled with about one hundred skeletons! Ego and Peter continue their closeness, with Ego telling Peter that as long as there is light on Earth he will retain both his powers and immortality. Mantis sees that Ego now has Peter under control once they understand about his powers; she wakes Drax immediately to inform him about Ego’s true intentions.

Rocket, Groot, Yondu and Kraglin arrive at their destination. Rocket begins boasting about saving Peter just to prove how superior he is, until Yondu subtly shuts him up by reminding him just how scared and insecure Rocket really is; and so they set forth to face Ego together. Ego informs Peter of his plan, known as “The Expansion”. To accomplish this goal, Ego traveled throughout the galaxy visiting thousands of worlds planting the seedlings necessary to increase his influence over it and encompass each planet as an extension of himself. Ego began impregnating women from different worlds and siring many offspring for Yondu to deliver to him, yet when these offspring failed to match his Celestial ideals he ordered their execution and the bones found by Gamora and Nebula were those belonging to these Celestial children who failed his standards; Peter just so happens to possess all the power he was searching for! Ego also revealed that he implanted Meredith with the tumor that killed her so as to not feel the sorrow of losing her, thus sparing him the emotional torment associated with being parted from her. Peter snapped out of it quickly and began shooting at Ego; Ego quickly controlled Peter to begin spreading seedlings throughout space-time and cause mass destruction before crushing Peter’s Walkman/Awesome Mix Volume 2 that his mother gave to him as punishment. Rocket, Groot and Yondu join Gamora, Drax, Nebula and Mantis as they attempt to stop Ego from returning home. Unfortunately for them though, an army of Sovereigns arrives with intent of killing Peter directly; when Peter engages Ego as his human form though they fight him back through Ego’s entire planet form as well. Mantis successfully puts Ego to sleep while her Guardians take over protection of allies against Sovereigns – fighting back with laser beams against their entire fleet and eventually dissolving it altogether. As Rocket uses batteries he stole to construct a bomb for Groot to take, with warning from Rocket to not push any buttons, Mantis is knocked unconscious by an explosion; her hold over Ego was broken as Ego reappeared; Mantis attempted to flee as it consumed them all despite Peter using Celestial powers against Ego; Groot then found Ego’s brain in Earth’s core before setting his bomb timer for five minutes in response. Drax and Gamora return, while Nebula and Yondu reach their ship. Rocket gives his last spacesuit to Yondu as they realize he cannot save both him and Peter at once; Gamora attempts to leave, but Rocket stops her so as not to lose another friend. Ego pleads with Peter not to set off the bomb; Peter sees nothing wrong with that decision and allows it to go off; Ego collapses while most of planet’s atmosphere explodes, as Yondu arrives and puts on Peter his spacesuit to save him before starting up again and eventually leaving planet’s atmosphere before starting up again before finally freezing out space before eventually seeing Yondu freeze up completely before seeing him die off as another friend was lost forever. The Guardians make preparations to give Yondu an appropriate Ravager funeral. Kraglin gives Peter a Zune in compensation for Yondu’s unfulfilled promise to give it to him before his passing; Peter gives Kraglin Yondu’s arrow thinking it would make an appropriate tribute for Yondu himself; Nebula leaves to hunt Thanos down herself while Gamora reconciles with Nebula before leaving Mantis behind with them and departing, while Nebula sets off after Thanos herself while Mantis stays behind with her Guardians as his body journeys off into space dozens more Ravager ships arrive as tribute pays. There are five end credits scenes which follow after this, such as: Kraglin attempts to practice using Yondu’s arrow but ends up hitting Drax instead. Stakar pays his respects to Yondu by creating his own team consisting of Martinex T’Naga (Michael Rosenbaum), Charlie-27 (Ving Rhames), Starhawk (Michelle Yeoh), and Mainframe (Miley Cyrus). Ayesha and her chambermaid discuss Ayesha’s plan to fight back against her enemies. Ayesha can be seen sitting by an incubator, waiting to break free what lies inside. When her birthing pod opened she called the creation “Adam” after Adam Warlock who she would soon use against Guardians. Groot has now reached puberty. Peter confronts Groot about leaving his roots scattered about, yet Groot ignores him while playing video games instead. Stan Lee appears as an elderly figure sitting with the Watchers discussing past endeavors before becoming bored of them and leaving him.


  • Country of origin:-  United States
  • Filming locations:-  Cartersville, Georgia, USA
  • Production companies:-  Marvel Studios, Walt Disney Pictures
  • Budget:-  $200,000,000 (estimated)
  • Gross worldwide:-  $863,756,051
  • Runtime:-  2 hours 16 minutes
  • Sound mix:-  Dolby Digital, Dolby Surround 7.1, IMAX 6-Track, Dolby Atmos



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